
The Use of Mobile Applications for Teaching and Learning English in the Post Covid Scenario

EDU 404.2 Pedagogic Practical Preparation and Uploading of self designed article of pedagogic relevance in the Blog  The Use of Mobile Applications for Teaching and Learning English in the Post Covid Scenario Since the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the normal lifestyle of people across the globe, the virtual world has come to the rescue. Amongst many institutions, schools have also shifted their base to virtual platforms to contact classes online. Consequently catering to the needs of all stages of education from pre-primary to university level, online education has emerged as an alternative to ordinary face-to-face classes. Accordingly various stakeholders such as Government and private organisations are trying their best to assist each other by sprucing up their existing online platforms apps and providing training to teachers to use these apps and platforms to the optimum level.  One of the pioneering technologies that played a significant role during Covid pandemic is m...

Programmed instructional material for self-learning


Poetic Devices in the Poem "On Killing a Tree" by Gieve Patel


I want to...

 I wanna let myself loose:  To fly like a bird,  free and without destination. To wander like a hippie and learn people and culture. I wanna let myself loose, Without any limitations- atleast for a day or two! I wanna go to places  Without being reminded that it's nearing five o' clock.  I wanna visit monuments and walk right through the middle of a hectic road, Without the fear of being raped. I wanna climb the mountains  Without being asked "you ... a girl... can you do it?"  I wanna taste different food Without having to think washing dishes in the kitchen.  I wanna travel alone Without being phoned every now and then to check on me. I wann wear a sleeveless top and a denim Without being an object to be gazed at. I wanna whistle loud at night  Without being told to shush up my mouth.  I wanna do a lot of things  Without wanting to hear other people's opinion.  I wanna live my life and let myself loose. Atleast for a day or t...